I started teaching various Tarot classes as part of the community (continuing) education programs at both Santa Monica College and Westside Extension in January 2006. I try to make Tarot user-friendly and accessible for anyone who wants to learn what the cards mean and how to interpret them in a positive, life-affirming way. I teach my students how to interpret Tarot, the importance of good ethics, and ways to put a positive spin on each reading.
I find that teaching a small, intimate group of 8-15 people promotes a level of comfort and provides a wonderful, safe environment to experiment. I am pleased to say that many of my students have become friends with their classmates, and me too! A few of my students have become professional Tarot readers and many now use Tarot to help them when they need insight or guidance.

Please check my calendar for a schedule of current and upcoming classes. You may also contact either of the above-referenced colleges or check their catalogs for more information. Early registration is requested as classes may be cancelled due to low enrollment.
To read about my classes at Santa Monica College, there are several articles in their Sound Bites Newsletters for: March 2014 and October 2018.
Several years ago, I stopped teaching my Introduction to Tarot class at Westside Extension due to scheduling problems. If you are interested in learning Tarot, please consider taking one or more of my Practical Tarot classes at Santa Monica College.
What can you expect from my classes?

My approach to teaching is one of a practical and positive nature based upon my many years working the entertainment circuit.
- I provide a safe environment for learning and experimenting.
- In addition to providing basic information about what each Tarot card means, I show my students many different ways they can be interpreted.
- I read along with my students so I can assess their strengths and weaknesses as readers, while helping them develop their intuition.
- I am incredibly serious when it comes to ethics. I stress this to all of my students. I remind them that they should always put a positive, empowering spin on every reading they perform.
Classes at Santa Monica College - Community Education

- All Tarot classes are three hours in length. In each class, students will spend the first half of the class learning what the various Tarot cards mean. In the second half of the class, they will have a chance to read for each other.
- "The Joy of Tarot: Introduction to the Art of Interpreting a Reading" is an introduction to Tarot. This one-session class includes an basic introduction to Tarot and provides an opportunity for students to play the late Peter Rosson's "Tarot Profiling Game." This class is recommended for people who just want a basic understanding of Tarot. It also gives them a chance to see if they want to continue on and learn more.

- "Practical Tarot: The Major Arcana" is a 6-week class which covers the 22 cards of the Major Arcana. The first session of this class contains the same material covered in "The Joy of Tarot," so if someone just wants to jump right in and get more than an introduction to Tarot, I recommend they skip the introductory class.
- "Practical Tarot: The Minor Arcana" is a 6-week class which covers the remaining 56 cards of the Minor Arcana. Students can take this class without having taken the class on the Major Arcana first. There is no prerequisite.
- "Practical Tarot: Advanced Interpretation" is a 3-week class designed for students who want to learn various Tarot spreads or layouts and practice interpreting readings. This class is recommended for students who have a good working knowledge of Tarot and want to explore a few different types of Tarot layouts (spreads).
- All Tarot classes are taught at Santa Monica College.
- Contact Alice Meyering at Santa Monica College Community Education by phone at 310.434.3400 to register. You can also register on the web at the Community Education home page
To hear what my students have to say about my classes and style of teaching, please read their testimonials on my Teaching Testimonial page.
I also offer advanced interpretation classes remotely for a small group of individuals who want to further explore comparative and practical Tarot, and of course, practice their reading skills. Classes are ongoing and limited to no more than 10 students. Students may join at any time. This class is open only to my former Santa Monica College students or people with a good working knowledge of Tarot.
Private Instruction/Tutoring
Please contact me if you are interested in private tutoring on any aspect of learning or interpreting Tarot.